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Coléoptères Phytophages d'Europe Tome 3

Phytophagous beetles of Europe, Tome 3

This book "Phytophagous beetles of Europe, tome 3" deals with phytophagous beetles that belong to the families Bruchidae, Apionidae, Anthribidae, Rynchitidae and Curculionidae Entiminae.


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Phytophagous beetles of Europe, Tome 3

Texts and illustrations: Gaëtan du CHATENET
Foreword: Thierry Deuve

This book deals with phytophagous beetles that belong to the families Bruchidae, Apionidae, Anthribidae, Rhynchitidae and Curculionidae Entiminae, which attack herbaceous plants, the foliage of trees and shrubs and their seeds.

A book to identify beetles of Europe

This guide will help you to recognise the most common species and the most characteristic of the different genera with the aid of the associated descriptions and plentiful illustrations, black and white drawings and colour plates.

Each species entry gives its habitat, biology and the adults' period of appearance in Europe. Maps are provided to show their distribution in Europe, from the Iberian Peninsula and Great Britain to Scandinavia and sicily. The names of the host plants on which the larvae develop and where adults can most often be found are given. Also described are details of methods and equipment needed for catching the beetles. Clear explanations show to prepare the beetles once harvested, build up a collection and conserve it for the future use.

In the same collection on beetles of Europe:

- Coléoptères Phytophages d'Europe - Tome 1 (french version)

- Coléoptères Phytophages d'Europe, Chrysomelidae - Tome 2 (french version)

- Coléoptères d'Europe, Carabes, Carabiques et Dytiques, Adephaga - Volume 1 (french version)

  • Coming out : 2014
  • Cover : Hardback cover
  • Format : 13x20 cm
  • ISBN : 978-2-913688-19-3
  • Number of pages : 448 pages
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