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Papillons de nuit d'Europe Vol 6 : Noctuelles 2

Moths of Europe, volume 6: Noctuids 2

This guide, volume 6, deals with part of the Noctuidae (from Caradrini, see List of taxa) and also Nolidae.

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Moths of Europe, volume 6: Noctuids 2

Texts and photographs: Patrice LERAUT

Volume 6 of a collection of 8 volumes which cover most of the moths of Europe. It is the second of two volumes dedicated to Noctuids. The first is volume 5.

A book to identify moths of Noctuidae family

This volume deals with part of the Noctuidae (from Caradrini, see List of taxa) and also Nolidae. For each species, a precise description is given as well as useful informations on their biology.

127 color plates illustrate about 750 species represented by 1400 photos. For delicate identifications, photos of genitalia of both sexes were punctually given. Distribution maps are given for most species.


The collection on moths of Europe:

- Moths of Europe, volume 1
- Moths of Europe - Volume 2 : Geometrid Moths

- Moths of Europe, Zygaenids, Pyralids 1 - volume 3
- Moths of Europe, Pyralids 2 - volume 4
- Moths of Europe, Noctuids 1 - volume 5

  • Coming out : 2019
  • Cover : Hardback cover
  • Format : 13 x 20,5 cm
  • ISBN : 978-2-913688-31-5
  • Number of pages : 576
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